Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Tasty Meal

Food porn courtesy of

Appetizer - Eggplant and Tomato

Entree - Green Beans with Baked Tofu - great with rice

Dessert - Fudgy Chocolate Cookies


22nd November 2008

I put birdseed on my windowsill to attract birds to come and eat. This is a source of endless amusement for Stanley. Harrison was intrigued with the birds at first but when he realized he couldn't catch them - he lost interest.

21st November 2008

I love milkshakes. This one I bought from a nearby Hardy's. It's definitely a feel-good drink.

20th November 2008

How am I going to finish my packing when Harrison and Stanley keep playing with the boxes!?! I am unable to stop them because they are so adorable. This is their secret weapon: their cuteness.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

19th November 2008

Unlike most people, I don't like full body massages. Getting a massage stresses me out because I'm so ticklish. But foot massages - now that's a different story.

18th November 2008

Whenever I go to Borders, I feel like a child set free inside a candy store. I love the fact that it has a Starbucks coffee shop inside. Definitely one of my favorite places in Dubai.

Monday, November 24, 2008

17th November 2008

I brought some boxes home to pack my things in but I had to delay my packing for awhile because Harrison and Stanley decided to play with them first. It's funny how much they enjoyed themselves. When I'm done with my move, I'm going keep one box for Harrison to play with.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

16th November 2008

I finally bought my Solsta sofa bed from Ikea. The seat pulls out to be a bed. I love how it looks so minimalist but can be so comfortable at the same time.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

15th November 2008

This is the interior of the new and very spacious bus I rode from Karama to the Satwa bus station. It wasn't rush hour yet so there were only a few people onboard. I was very comfortable in my seat that I didn't mind the slow moving traffic.

14th November 2008

Soon I'll be moving to this building. I'm pretty excited because I feel more independent living here. Finding this place was really a blessing.

13th November 2008

When I start to do my ironing, Harrison gets excited and squeezes himself under my tabletop ironing board. I don't know why he likes lying under there. He can hardly fit in there though because he's now full grown.

12th November 2008

This sofa bed was in a nearby Home Centre and I considered buying it. However, the store supervisor was very uncooperative. I'm buying my sofa bed from Ikea instead.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

11th November 2008

My treat of the day: A big chocolate cinnamon roll from Cinnabon. I've been craving this the whole day and I decided to have it for dinner. As Gladys said, sometimes you just have to give in.

Monday, November 10, 2008

10th November 2008

This is a fragment of one of the 2 cheques I wasted because I couldn't sign properly. When I sign on any paper, it looks like my normal signature but on cheques and other important documents - it looks very different. It must be psychological.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

9th November 2008

Harrison and Stanley casually sniff the air while I prepare their dinner. Usually it's Stanley who acts all excited during mealtimes. In contrast, Harrison maintains his dignity and tries to appear nonchalant.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

8th November 2008

Our friends Adrian and Edwina got married today and we joined them in the festivities. Surprisingly, I enjoyed myself. All my friends from my previous company were there and it was great seeing them again.

Friday, November 7, 2008

7th November 2008

Most Fridays, I join Harrison in his daytime naps. There's nothing like sleeping beside a warm, purring cat. It's enough to melt all the stresses, worries and cares.

6th November 2008

This is how I wake up every morning - curled up and reluctant. Harrison would always be nearby, waiting for me to stir (yes, that's him on the foreground). As soon as I make the tiniest move, he'll be all over me until I finally feed him.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

5th November 2008

Even if there is no direct relevance to me, I'm pleased that Barack Obama won as President of the USA. It is unlikely that I'll see him personally and take his picture - so I looked for a photo of him in Flickr and took a snapshot of that instead.

4th November 2008

As usual, the Dubai sky is clear and blue. When I go for my walks it's still a little warm. I hope by the end of this month, by my birthday (the 24th!), the weather would be cooler.

Monday, November 3, 2008

3rd November 2008

Four days ago I had new glasses made because my old pair was broken (I think I stepped on it by accident). It's rectangular like my old one because I think it complements my round face. I like wearing my glasses better than wearing my contact lenses.

2nd November 2008

I have a deep distrust for scented candles. They usually smell good when you press your nose to their waxy sides but smell nothing once you light them. But this ice cream scented candle I bought from Ikea makes my room smell heavenly, especially when it's lighted.

1st November 2008

After Chop Chop my next favorite restaurant is Wagamama. They serve Japanese fusion food. That big bowl of noodle soup is as delicious as it looks.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

31st October 2008

When I can, I attend services at the Victory Christian Fellowship in Oud Metha, Dubai. Coming late is not a good idea because the place fills up really fast. I do come early but if I'm late, I know an alternative entrance where I can get a seat anytime.

30th October 2008

It's the rocking chair again. I wonder why the owner is selling it. I like my sister's rocking chair - it's very comfortable and the rocking doesn't make me dizzy.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

29th October 2008

A vegetarian frozen food treasure trove. If the Tofurky wasn't so expensive (Dhs 79.75) I'd buy one for Thanksgiving. But wait - I don't celebrate Thanksgiving. But I'd still want to know how it tastes like.

28th October 2008

One of my favorite places in Dubai: Choithram Supermarket at the Greens. The Greens community lives up to it's name - the surroundings are dense with foliage. When I go there I don't feel like I live in the desert.

27th October 2008

Taxi fares in Dubai are horrendous (at least for us lower income folks) so I take a cab only if it's not accessible by bus. Most drivers are Pakistani or Indian nationals. For some reason, I have yet to encounter a Filipino taxi driver.