Sunday, September 9, 2007

My Fostering Experience

I've been active in animal welfare back home in the Philippines but when I moved to Dubai I did nothing of that sort and it ate away at my soul. I think as long as I do something for animals, then my life will be worth living.

So last month I decided to volunteer for Feline Friends Dubai once and for all. Since I don't have the 2 day weekend I had when I was in Manila, I opted to be a foster parent/home of cats waiting to be adopted.

After much anticipation, I received news that I was to become a foster parent of a tiny tabby kitten. I vowed not to give him a name to prevent myself in being too attached. But as soon as Princess saw him, she christened him Troy (from Dr. Christian Troy from Nip/Tuck) . So Troy it is. This is him:Don't let those sleepy eyes deceive you. Troy whizzed around my apartment and turned it upside down like he was this tiny hurricane. Harrison took to him right away and soon they were playing games that cats play. It was so fun to see. Troy was also easy to care of. He adjusted right away and he made friends with everyone. Such a sweet little boy.

A few days later, I brought him to the Feline Friends Dubai Open Day. He was adopted almost immediately. When I saw the young couple finalizing the adoption proceedings, I felt like crying. A part of me didn't want him to get adopted so I can take him home again and wait for the next Open Day. Anyway, on my way out I congratulated the couple on making the right choice and I told them that they won't regret ever adopting Troy. I didn't say goodbye to him because I was afraid I would burst into tears.

I would have to learn how to control my emotions if I want to continue to be a fosterer. I think I will be stronger on my next fostering assignment.

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