Monday, July 16, 2007

Sort of at a Crossroads

I think I'm in a career rut. I'm not unhappy with my current job, it's familiar and comfortable - too comfortable though. I know I must make changes and improvements but I don't know where to start.

One one hand I'd like to pursue my life long dream of working for animal welfare. Like Tata, I want to be a hero for animals. To begin, I would have to start equipping myself for this because the only thing I have to show for it is my 3-year volunteer stint with the Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS). If I want it to be my career, I have to start studying again - distance learning is an option.

For now though, the most practical thing is to continue the path to hotel administration. I have the commensurate experience, all I have to do is to start networking and start sniffing around for openings. Working for a hotel is good - but this is only second best.

I have to think about it and pray about it some more.

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